The JDK 17 is a long-term support (LTS) version, which means it has Oracle support for many years to come. Other LTS JDKs are Java 8 and Java 11. LTS JDKs are released every three years and non-LTS every six months. JDK 17 reached General Availability on 14 September 2021....
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Vert.x TFTP Client
Vert.x TFTP Client Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is a simple lockstep File Transfer Protocol which allows a client to get a file from or put a file onto a remote host. One of its primary uses is in the early stages of nodes booting from a local area network....
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Vert.x Event-bus, Sending any java object with Generic Codec
The Event Bus The event-bus is the nervous system of Vert.x.There is a single event bus instance for every Vert.x instance and it is obtained using the method event-bus. Sending Message Messages are sent on the event bus to an address. Out of the box Vert.x allows any primitive/simple type,...
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The right way to reactive system programming with Vert.x
Introduction You probably know that Vert.x as a reactive system based on an event loop. Vert.x is a polyglot web framework that shares common functionalities among its supported languages Java, Kotlin, Scala, Ruby, and Javascript. Regardless of language, Vert.x operates on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Being modular and lightweight,...
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C# NotificationCenter
A NotificationCenterManager object (or simply, notification center) provides a mechanism for broadcasting information within a program.
Introduction A NotificationCenterManager object (or simply, notification center) provides a mechanism for broadcasting information within a program. A NotificationCenterManager object is essentially a notification dispatch table. Objects register with a notification center to receive notifications (Notification objects) using the AddObserver method. Each invocation of this method specifies a set of...
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